Laos aims to become a destination based on sustainable tourism. The partnership agreement between the Province of Khammouane and the SMERGC echoes this national will. The essence of the KARST project is to support local authorities and community representatives in the implementation of their desire to sustainably enhance the heritage and landscapes of Phou Hin Poun support local authorities and community representatives in the implementation implemented.


The territories of Ardèche and Khammouane have many points in common, the first attraction being the presence of karstic landscapes on each of them. These natural heritages preserve the memory of regional episodes in the history of the Earth. In addition, the Ardèche and Khammouane are two territories where man has been present for several tens of thousands of years and has developed both material (resources) and immaterial (spiritual) relationships with karst environments.

The partners of the KARST project have initiated a diagnosis of the territory of Phou Hin Poun. Led by Tétraktys and the IFREEMIS association (Institute for Training, Research and Expertise on Underground Environments), 4 studies will provide an initial natural and cultural portrait of Phou Hin Poun:

  • Identification of the geoheritages of Phou Hin Poun
  • Ethnological approach of local communities
  • An analysis of the tourist economy of Phou Hin Poun
  • A comparative analysis of governance structures of protected areas

From these studies will be written a synthesis aiming to prefigure an international recognition of the Phou Hin Poun guaranteeing on the one hand the preservation and the valorization of the heritages, a valuation and on the other hand, a real implication of the population in governance of their territory.