The SMERGC (Syndicat Mixte de l’Espace de Restitution de la Grotte Chauvet) and its partners, everyone is bringing complementary skills and experience.

The French Development Agency provides financial support via 2 mechanisms:

  • The “emergence of the Konglor-Natane eco-valley” project – NGO scheme (since 2016) led by Tetraktys
  • – The KARST project – FICOL system (since 2020) led by the SMERGC

The SMERGC (Syndicat Mixte de l’Espace de Restitution de la Grotte Chauvet) supervises and monitors the entire project from France. He is the contact person for AFD.

The PICT is a technical and administrative service of the Province of Khammouane. Its action concerns culture and tourism. He is co-contractor of the KARST project.

KARST project partners :