The SMERGC (Syndicat Mixte de l’Espace de Restitution de la Grotte Chauvet) and its partners, everyone is bringing complementary skills and experience.

The French Development Agency provides financial support via 2 mechanisms:
- The “emergence of the Konglor-Natane eco-valley” project – NGO scheme (since 2016) led by Tetraktys
- – The KARST project – FICOL system (since 2020) led by the SMERGC
The SMERGC (Syndicat Mixte de l’Espace de Restitution de la Grotte Chauvet) supervises and monitors the entire project from France. He is the contact person for AFD.
The PICT is a technical and administrative service of the Province of Khammouane. Its action concerns culture and tourism. He is co-contractor of the KARST project.
KARST project partners :
- Tétraktys supports the project in the field. Present in this territory since 2008, it conducts expertise to jointly ensure the link with local populations and actors.
- The French association IFREEMIS (Institute for Training, Research and Expertise on Underground Environments), leads three areas of expertise and mobilizes its volunteers.
- The AEKN: the association which brings together human communities and ecotourism actors living from the direct and indirect activity of the Konglor Natane cave.
- The Monts d’Ardèche Regional Nature Park supports the process by providing its expertise in the field of Geoparks.
- Lao local authorities (other than the PICT) involved in KARST :
- La Province de Khammouane accueille le projet.
- The DICT (which is at the district level) serves as a relay in the districts of Khoun Kham and Nakaï.
- The PAFO (Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry) is fully concerned because of its prerogatives on the environment.
- Finally, other associations are involved in the project.
- Another association also supports the program as part of its work, the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) is associated with our approach for the KARST project. Initiator of a nature conservation project in the Phou Hin Poun, we coordinate our actions with those of the IUCN.